Pace university registrar forms

What requests require a Schedule Change Request Form?
Any and all items mentioned on the Schedule Change Request Form (PDF) require the submission of a Schedule Change Request Form that has been signed by the Dean and Chair and sent through the HelpDesk.

What requests require a New/Revised Course Catalog Form?
Any and all items mentioned on the Course Catalog Form (previously known as New/Revised Course Catalog Form) require the submission of this Form, which must be signed by the Dean’s council (with exceptions listed on the document), the department Chair and Provost’s Office. The Provost’s Office then submits the forms to Academic Scheduling through the HelpDesk.

New Topics Courses must have a completed form submitted to Academic Scheduling through the HelpDesk, but do not require submission to Dean’s Council or the Provost’s Office.

I need to make an update to the Schedule/Course/Section as soon as possible, can I have the task expedited now and send in the paperwork later?
All changes to the Schedule/Course/Section MUST be sent to Academic Scheduling via a signed and completed Schedule Change Request form (PDF) by the department’s Associate Dean, Chair or designated assignee, through the HelpDesk system, before any updates can be made.

How can I find what courses are being offered each semester?
All semester course offerings can be found on Schedule Explorer or on the Academic Catalog, which can be found in your Pace Portal.

Where can I find the dates for late start classes?
All late start dates can be found on the Academic Scheduling webpage.

Who do I ask about available Course Numbers for new courses and topics courses?
Departments determine the course number after clarifying with Scheduling if it is available to use.

How do I get access to my department’s proofs in the proofing system?
The Associate Dean or Chairperson must confirm that you are supposed to have access to view/edit the department proofs by submitting a request through the HelpDesk. Scheduling will then set up your access and reply with confirmation of it being updated.

Does Academic Scheduling handle faculty assignments?
No, faculty assignments are the responsibility of the academic departments. Please refer to the department Chair or Program Coordinator for issues regarding this matter.

Does the Academic Scheduling Team schedule events?
Academic Scheduling creates Ad Hoc Reservations for Class Events, meaning the reservation is for a specific section or group of sections that include the following information: Course Subject, Course Number, CRN, capacity and reservation dates, which normally are held outside the section’s assigned meeting pattern. All events not pertaining to classes, such as student reservation or organization reservations, must be handled by the Special Events or Student Development and Campus Activities Departments.

If I have a student or students who require special accommodations for classroom accessibility, how do I make this request?
The Chair or Associate Dean of the department must reach out to Academic Scheduling with this request, noting the specific requirements. We will then analyze location availability to accommodate the student’s needs.

If I’m an Instructor, and I want a specific room, or I have specific requirements for my class, how do I go about making this request?
ALL Faculty questions, concerns, or requests for Academic Scheduling must be submitted directly from the Department Chair/Director through the HelpDesk. Although we cannot guarantee assignment for a specific space, we will do our best to accommodate your room type needs.

Degree Audit/Verification

When will I receive my degree audit/degree verification? I have submitted my application for graduation but have not received my audit.

Why is my degree verification incorrect? My advisor told me this course was waived, my advisor told me I could substitute this requirement, etc.
Any and all exceptions to Degree Works must be approved by the department and submitted in writing. Students should contact their academic advisor if they believe there are any errors or discrepancies. Their advisor will then reach out to the degree verification staff to submit waivers or substitutions to satisfy the requirements.

My waiver/substitution has been submitted, when will I see it on Degree Works?
All substitution or waiver forms should be submitted through a support request to the Office of the Registrar. Once submitted, forms are usually processed within two-to-three business days, depending on volume. Once the form has been processed you will be able to see it immediately in Degree Works.

When will my degree be conferred?
Degrees cannot be conferred until the semester has ended and all grades have been submitted. Once the semester has ended the degree verification staff has approximately three weeks to confer degrees for all pending graduating students. Students can review their Degree Works report to check if any requirements are still outstanding or if any grades are still pending. If there are still missing requirements they should contact their advisor who can reach out to the degree verification staff to submit any required documentation to satisfy the requirements.

How do I know if my degree has been awarded/conferred?
Students whose programs are in Degree Works will be able to see that their degree has been awarded there. All students can check their degree status by viewing their unofficial transcript on the Pace Portal. The status will show near the top of both the Degree Works report and the unofficial transcript.

When will I receive my diploma? Why haven’t I received my diploma?
Diplomas are mailed to the mailing address on file. They are typically sent 6–8 weeks after the close of the class. Students can view and update their mailing address on their Pace Portal.

How do I receive a copy of my diploma if I never received it? Lost it? Damaged it?

How do I change my major?
Students must submit a Declaration or Change of Major form (which also includes degree, minor, and/or concentration) with all of the necessary signatures from the Department.

My major is listed wrong in Degree Works. What do I do?
If you have already submitted a Declaration or Change of Major or Program form (which would include the degree, minor, and/or concentration you have chosen) with all of the necessary signatures, then please contact the Registrar for an update. If you have not submitted the form, please make an appointment with your advisor to start the process.

When will I see my major change on the Pace Portal?
Once a student’s major has been changed they will be able to view it immediately on their portal. Degree Works will be updated the following morning.

My professor changed my grade, will I receive an updated degree verification right after the change?
Grade changes can take up to 24 hours to update in Degree Works and on the Pace Portal. Students may not immediately receive an updated degree verification but they can view their Degree Works report and if the grade change is not reflected after 24 hours they should contact our office.

I don’t see my Transfer Credits/CLEP/Study Abroad credits on the Degree Works report. Who can I speak to?
Please email

Where should I send my transcript when I take courses at another school?
Electronic transcripts can be sent to, or the physical hard copies can be sent to:

Pleasantville Campus
Office of the Registrar
861 Bedford Road
Pleasantville, NY 10570

How do I take a (non-medical) Leave of absence?
Students must submit an approved Leave of Absence through a support request to the Office of the Registrar. The form must be signed by the Dean of the School/College of the student’s major prior to submitting it. All courses for the term of the Leave of Absence must be dropped prior to submitting the request.

How can I return to Pace to complete my degree requirements after taking a (non-medical) Leave of Absence or time off?
Students who have taken a Leave of Absence or have not attended for a semester or longer must submit a Resumption of Studies application through a support request to the Office of the Registrar. The application requires approval from the student’s Academic Advisor or Associate/Assistant Dean or Dean/Chairperson of the Department of their School prior to submitting the form.

Transcript and Verification

How to get a transcript (students, former students, and alumni)?