Free Gift Certificate Template

If you have a small business, gift certificates or promotional coupons can be useful marketing tools. If you are looking for a Gift Certificate Template, you might not realize that you also need a way to record issued gift certificates and track when they are redeemed. In addition to the various free gift certificate templates that we offer below, you can download the Excel spreadsheet which contains a Gift Certificate Tracking Log.


Gift Certificate Template Collection

Cost: Free ($0.00)
License: Company Use (Applies to all the printable gift certificate templates on this page).
Required: Microsoft Word® 2007 or later

Holiday / Christmas Gift Certificate Template

Both the Christmas Gift Certificate template and Birthday Gift Certificate template below can work for almost any occasion. Just edit the "Happy Holidays!" or "Happy Birthday!" line at the top.

Birthday Gift Certificate Template


Blank Gift Certificate Template

This template includes gift certificates in three different colors. The idea is to print multiple blank gift certificates and then let the customer choose what color they want.

Formal Gift Certificate Template

This is another printable gift certificate like the one above, but with a more formal style. There is ample space in the upper-right corner to add your logo.

Gift Certificate Tracking Log

This spreadsheet also contains a blank gift certificate template similar to the version for Word shown above.


How to Use a Gift Certificate Template

A Unique Gift Certificate Number is Critical for Preventing Fraud

Each of the gift certificate templates above contains a place to record the Certificate Number. This number must be unique to prevent someone from duplicating the gift certificate and redeeming it more than once.

It is vital that you keep a record of the gift certificates that you issue, including the Recipient's Name, Date Issued, the Amount, Expiration Date, and the unique Certificate Number. This can be done using the Gift Certificate Tracking Log spreadsheet. Larger businesses will generally have a system for printing certificates with bar codes so that they can be scanned and tracked in their database.

Another technique to help discourage copying is to always print your gift certificates in color. This won't prevent the really determined criminals from making copies, but it will help prevent the casual not-so-criminally-minded individuals from making simple photocopies.

Using a Blank Gift Certificate

If you choose to print a number of blank gift certificates, you only need to edit the company information and the fine print and maybe add a logo to the template.

If you are filling out pre-printed blank gift certificate by hand, use a non-washable pen (like the ones made by Uniball that you would use to write checks with).

It is probably not a good idea to edit your tracking log in front of a customer, because they would be able to see the other names, amounts, and numbers on the sheet. You might want to consider using carbon paper or creating a quick photocopy of the gift certificate so that you have a copy for yourself that you add to the tracking log later.

More Gift Certificate Templates

Sharing Our Gift Certificate Templates

These gift certificate templates are designed to be edited and then printed in large quantities. The templates should only be shared within your own company, though. If you like these templates, you are welcome to link to this page from your blog or website.