You can view your account balance in My Account or on the first page of your bill. If you need help finding it on your bill, please view our helpful bill guides.
I'm moving home – what do I need to do?We want your move to be as easy and hassle-free as possible. Contact us or see our Moving house page for more information about booking your move with us. When you move home, your payment BPAY details and direct debit arrangements change too, so don't forget to update them.
When is my next meter read due?Details of your next scheduled meter read can be found in the Meter details section at the end of your bill. If you need help finding it, please view our helpful bill guides or view our guide on getting your meter read.
What rates am I on?You can login to My Account to view your current rates. You can also find your rates on page 2 of your most recent bill under 'charge/rate'. If you need help finding them, please view our helpful bill guides.
I don’t understand what something on my bill means. Where can I get more information?If you want to learn more about your bills and what the terminology means, please view our helpful bill guides.
If you receive your bills via email, you might want to check your junk mail folder to ensure your eBill hasn’t been filed incorrectly and check with your email administrator that their firewall isn’t blocking our emails. Our email bills are sent from or by arrangement if you’re a large industrial customer. If you’ve asked us to resend an email bill, it will be sent from
If you want to view your bills that have previously been issued, we recommend logging on to My Account. You can also update and check your contact details via My Account to ensure we have your correct email address and mailing address. To do this, please go to your ‘Settings’ in the top right corner then select ‘Contact details’. We also suggest downloading our free mobile app via the Apple and Google Play App stores. Our app sends you an alert when each bill is issued so that you can check your inbox or keep an eye on your letterbox.
Occasionally, we may face delays in getting your meter read data from the company that provides it to us. You can contact us if you’d like assistance.
Billing delays happen from time to time, and if your bill is late you can rest assured that we will be working behind the scenes to get it to you. You don’t need to contact us or take any action.
Why is my bill higher than expected?There are several reasons why your bill may be higher than expected – for instance, if you’ve recently been using more air-conditioning or heating, if you’ve moved to a larger house or if you’ve been spending more time at home. Check out our higher than expected bill checklist for more information.
Why is my bill estimated?If you don’t have a smart meter that can be read remotely, your meter needs to be read in-person. Sometimes, the meter reader might have issues accessing your meter (for example, if you have a locked gate or a dog in the yard). In these cases, we may have to use an estimation of your energy usage. The estimate is based on your property's previous usage pattern. For those of you with meters that are hard to access, estimates mean we can keep up regular bill cycles without asking you to stay put to provide access for each scheduled reading and without you having to pay for special readings.
If you’ve received an estimated bill and you don’t have a smart meter or solar power, then you can submit your own meter reading. Once we receive your reading, we’ll calculate a revised bill and send it to you.
We need to arrange a meter read at least once every 12 months. If your meter hasn’t been read in the last 12 months, you will need to contact us so that we can organise a suitable time for your meter to be read.
Am I entitled to a concession on my bill?Depending on your individual circumstances and which state you live in, you may be entitled to a concession on your electricity and/or gas account. See our summary of the different concessions available to residential customers in each state and the relevant state government websites that contain more information on these concessions.
Why is there a table on my bill comparing my household's electricity consumption to a benchmark?The Australian Government now requires energy retailers to include a bill benchmark on all residential electricity bills, to help customers make decisions about energy usage and to encourage energy conservation. The bill benchmark allows you to compare your electricity usage with others in your community. If you want more information, please view our helpful bill guides.